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Schedules of Condition - A Silver Bullet

Our recent article in EG on Schedules of Condition (SoC) is as salient when taking on a new lease, as it is when negotiating dilapidations at lease end. For the latter, the relevance is for the valuer as well as the building surveyor. A good SoC can, for example, provide the Valuer with evidence to argue that the property was tatty at the outset, and whilst the building surveyors might argue about detail differences at expiry, that it is more or less similarly tatty makes for no probable Diminution in Value.

The article below was first published by EG on the 14th of January 2022 (reproduced with their permission).

Paul Reaburn

About the author

Paul Raeburn BSc (Hons) DipArb MRICS FCIArb RICS Accredited Mediator

Paul has more than 25 years of experience as a Chartered Surveyor, 20 years as a Chartered Arbitrator and over 10 years as an RICS Accredited Mediator.

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Paul J Raeburn
BSc (Hons) MRICS DipArb FCIArb

RICS Accredited Mediator


Neil Burridge

RICS Registered Valuer

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